Legacy and Controversy | Dr. Della-Giustina Explores Trump’s Role in Palm Beach’s Narrative
Legacy and Controversy: In his article, “Palm Beach and Where Is Donald Trump’s Story,” Dr. Joseph Della-Giustina contemplates what the former president added to the town. When he started as an Italian-American in the United States in the 1980s, there were only a few people who were ready to accept his presence but later on, this man became a famous commissioner. This may perhaps be traced back to his acquisition of Mar-a-Lago in 1984 which marked the chain of change socially as house-of-integration membership ideas brought in mixed memberships which disapproved exclusivism. This change produced controversies that symbolized the tear between liberalization and the conventional power hierarchies. Likewise, Trump and the sordid side of Palm Beach living that Dr. Della-Giustina outlines such legal suits involve points about how collective stories in given periods shape the community’s development in metamorphosis.